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UO > About > Organizational Structure > Faculties & Institutes > Faculty of Medicine > Departments & Centres > Institute of Laboratory Medicine

Marie Staňková

Academic degree, name, surname:
RNDr. Marie Staňková, Ph.D.
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Petr Handlos, M. Uvira, K. Marecová, Marie Staňková, Margita Smatanová, Igor Dvořáček, M. Joukal ... other authors
journal article
Year: 2017
Petr Handlos, M. Uvíra, K. Marecova, Marie Staňková, Margita Smatanová, Igor Dvořáček, M. Joukal ... other authors
journal article
Petr Handlos, Marek Dokoupil, Marie Staňková, Marek Joukal, Igor Dvořáček, Matěj Uvíra, Margita Smatanová ... other authors
journal article
Year: 2013
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
M. Smatanová, Marie Staňková, Vladimíra Gebauerová
Year: 2011
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Petr Kurka, Marie Staňková, Vladimíra Gebauerová
Year: 2011
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Vladimíra Gebauerová, Petr Kurka, Marie Staňková, M. Smatanová, Igor Dvořáček
Year: 2010
abstract in proceedings
Petr Kurka, Marie Staňková, M. Magnátová, Vladimíra Gebauerová
Year: 2010
abstract in proceedings
Marie Staňková, Petr Kurka, Igor Dvořáček, Marek Dokoupil, M. Smatanová
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings
Marie Staňková, Petr Kurka, Igor Dvořáček, Marek Dokoupil, M. Smatanová
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings

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Type of thesis
Richterová Pavla
Possibility of Zolpidem Detection in the Biologic Material
Master's thesis
Richterová Táňa
Screening and Identification of Oral Antidiabetics in Biological Material
Master's thesis
Maderová Monika
The Possibilities of Demonstration and Determination of Cannabinoides in the Saliva.
Master's thesis
Janečková Jaroslava
Analysis of Habit Forming Drugs in Alternative Matrices
Master's thesis
Brixová Irena
Presence poisonings natural material along last four years on ÚSL FN Ostrava
Bachelor's thesis
Uhráková Eva
Addictive substances in hair
Bachelor's thesis
Ptáčková Denisa
Optimalization of determination 3-hydroxybutyric acid in biological material removed at autopsy
Bachelor's thesis
Maier Jan
Analysis of ethyl glucuronide in hair
Bachelor's thesis
Lyčková Lenka
Validation and optimalization of the determination of Tramadol by gas chromatography with mass detection
Bachelor's thesis
Uhrová Adéla
Optimization and validation of the determination of fentanyl, sufentanil, and buprenorphine by liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometer detector
Bachelor's thesis
Kunštárová Kateřina
Optimalization of determination of formic acid by gas chromatography
Bachelor's thesis
Žižková Klára
Possibilities of orellanine detection
Bachelor's thesis
Kněžíková Tereza
Analysis of selected designer drugs by Thin-Layer Chromatography
Bachelor's thesis
Łuńská Rut
Determination of ethylene glycol and glycolic acid in biological material
Bachelor's thesis
Malčíková Barbora
Microscopic identification of mushrooms - create database of the mushrooms spores
Bachelor's thesis
Novikova Olesya
Analysis of synthetic cannabinoids by thin-layer chromatography
Bachelor's thesis
Kantorová Michaela
Analysis of New Antipsychotic Drugs with Thin Layer Chromatography
Bachelor's thesis
Háková Eva
Spektrum of Toxicology Significant Compounds in Lethal Overdose (2005 - 2009)
Bachelor's thesis
Ryšavá Barbora
Derivates of Coumarine in Toxicological Practices
Bachelor's thesis
Čajková Veronika
Yield acid hydrolysis urine for release benzodiazepines - comparison classical procedure and procedure using micro - wawe system.
Bachelor's thesis
Kadlecová Kristýna
Alcohol and accustom matters of dead drivers over the past 5 years in region USL FN Ostrava
Bachelor's thesis

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