Projects & Grants

Bioimpedance in monitoring polyneuromyopathy and hyperhydration in critically ill patients with a focus on PICS.
Project IdSGS09/LF/2022
Main solverdoc. MUDr. Marcela Káňová, Ph.D.
Period1/2022 - 12/2022
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationIntensive care medicine is constantly pushing its boundaries, allowing critical illnesses to survive, including organ replacement in the development of MODS multiorgan dysfunction. Short-term mortality has decreased. The aging population brings with it additional challenges such as polymorbidity, preexisting cognitive impairment, sarcopenia, and chronic subclinical inflammation. These patients are at risk for several infectious complications, including the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Intensive care medicine is currently facing new challenges. Despite improvements in the short-term prognosis, the long-term prognosis and quality of life of critical ICU survivors are still unfavorable. Long-term sequelae last for months to years. One-third of patients are unable to return to work, up to one-third of patients do not return to the jobs they held before critical illness with economic and social backgrounds, and up to one-quarter of patients require assistance with activities of daily living up to one year after discharge from the ICU. A study by Yende and coll (analysis of over 2000 septic patients), shows the sad result that up to one-third of patients who left the ICU died within six months. The focus should be on the possible prevention of the development of Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS). Prevention is difficult as the pathogenesis of polyneuromyopathy, delirium, and PTSD is multifactorial. It involves the implementation of many practices that, when followed, reduce the risk of developing the physical, cognitive and mental components of PICS.