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UO > About > Organizational Structure > Faculties & Institutes > Faculty of Medicine > Departments & Centres > Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine of Faculty of Medicine University of Ostrava and Ostrava City Hospital

Ondřej Jor

Academic degree, name, surname:
MUDr. Ondřej Jor, Ph.D.
Room, floor, building:
Research interests and teaching:
intensive medicine
Phone number, mobile:

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Michal Frelich, Karolina Lecbychova, Vojtech Vodicka, Tereza Ekrtova, Peter Sklienka, Ondřej Jor, Hana Strakova, Marketa Bilena, Martin Formánek, Filip Burša ... other authors
journal article
Year: 2023, TOBIÁŠ
specialist book chapter
Petr Čelakovský, Petr Matoušek, Zuzana Balatková, Tomáš Česák, Jana Dědková, Michal Frelich, Břetislav Gál, Viktória Hránková, Viktor Chrobok, Ondřej Jor, Zdeněk Knížek, Nicol Koblásová, Jakub Lubojacký, Michaela Masárová, Jan Mejzlík, Karel Pokorný, Simona Polášková, Václav Procházka, Radek Pudil, Richard Salzman, Lukáš Školoudík, Zuzana Thibaud, Milan Urík, Jan Vodička, Rainer Weber ... other authors
Year: 2023, TOBIÁŠ
specialist book
journal article
journal article
Michal Frelich, Vojtech Vodicka, Ondřej Jor, Filip Burša, Martin Formanek, Peter Sklienka, Vaclav Prochazka ... other authors
journal article
journal article
journal article
Year: 2023, TOBIÁŠ
specialist book chapter
Year: 2022, Grada Publishing
specialist book chapter
M. Parma, Jakub Lubojacký, Michal Frelich, V. Vodicka, H. Strakova, Petr Matoušek, Ondřej Jor ... other authors
Year: 2022, Anesteziologie a Intenzivni Medicina
journal article
Year: 2022, Tobiáš
specialist book chapter
Year: 2022, Medicina-Lithuania
journal article
Michal Frelich, Ondřej Jor, V. Vodička, Filip Burša, E. Kušíková
Year: 2022, Klinicka Farmakologie a Farmacie
journal article
Year: 2021, Grada Publishing
specialist book chapter
Year: 2020
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2020, Tobiáš, s.r.o.
specialist book
Ondřej Jor, O. Klementová, L. Zach, J. Čapková, T. Pařízek, M. Pauliny, K. Bezděk, M. Litschmannová, Jan Máca, Pavel Ševčík, J. Firment, V. Černý ... other authors
Year: 2019, Anesteziologie a Intenzivni Medicina
journal article
Year: 2018, Úrazová chirurgie
journal article
Ondřej Jor, J. Kubíčková, Jan Máca, V. Šeděnková, Michal Frelich, Pavel Ševčík, Pavel Komínek ... other authors
Year: 2018, Anesteziologie a intenzivní medicína
journal article
journal article
Year: 2017, Respiratory Care
journal article
journal article

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Type of thesis
Gai Michal
Nursing care in anesthesia for laryngo-tracheal surgery, using high frequency jet ventilation
Master's thesis

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