Projects & Grants

In vitro regulated plasma cell differentiation of multiple myeloma
Project IdSGS02/LF/2017-2018
Main solverMgr. Kateřina Growková
Period1/2017 - 12/2018
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationMultiple myeloma (MM), the second most common hematological malignancy, is characterised by the presence of a large number of the clonal memory plasma cells (PC). Direct culturing of the patient-derived PC is very complicated as the cells usually survive for very short period and almost do not replicate. This limitation complicates a detailed functional examination of human PC in the controled laboratory settings. To overcome this obstacle, we plan to establish a novel protocol from the Reuben Tooze´s lab (Leeds University) for the in vitro differenciation of PC using a specific set of cytokines. We also plan to generate specific genetic mutants by using state-of- the-art genetic tools such as RNA interference and CRISPR. The in vitro derived PC together with the novel CRISPR technology will provide us with a very valuable tool to study the effects of particular genes and mutations in the development, progression and drug resistance of MM.