Projects & Grants

Coordinated prevention and disaster management activities on Tailings Management Facilities by authorities, municipalities and other stakeholders for solutions reducing transnational risks and hazards
Project IdDRP0200484
Main solverprof. RNDr. Pavel Danihelka, CSc.
Period1/2024 - 6/2026
ProviderÚstav epidem. a ochrany veřejného zdraví, INTERREG Danube
AnotationMining activities generate hazardous residues, often transported by hydraulic methods, deposited and handled in Tailings Management Facilities (TMFs). The Danube River Basin (DRB) has 300+ TMFs that need special attention to avoid serious and often transnational disasters such as Baia Mare (2000, RO), or Kolontár (2010, HU). TMF safety incorporates multi-level governance actors, multidisciplinary approach and highly complex solutions integrating all levels, actors and DRB countries. SAFETY4TMF ? one of the 2022 EUSDR Flagships hosted by the Environmental Risks Priority Area, and confirmed with their Letter of Recommendation - aims to enhance the prevention, preparedness and disaster management activities of potential transnational TMF-related risks in the DRB, with special focus on optimised cooperation of multi-level governance actors, including authorities, municipalities, first responders and others.