Projects & Grants

Complex Panel for Monoclonal Gammopathies Genetic Screening
Project IdTAČR-TQ03000338
Main solverMgr. Zuzana Chyra, Ph.D.
Period1/2024 - 6/2025
ProviderTechnologická agentura ČR
AnotationThe project's primary goal is to establish a complex methodology (genetic panel), enabling to obtain information about genetic changes in the DNA of aberrant cells, relevant to the prognosis and the treatment decision for patients with monoclonal gammopathies. Objectives: 1) A generation of DNA library based on genomic regions, related to the disease progression or the interaction with drugs based on the literature, 2) laboratory validation of the screening panel on test samples and patient?s samples and comparison with the results obtained by routinely used methods, 3) creation of a standard operating procedure providing guidelines for processing of patient?s biological material, screening of diagnostically relevant DNA regions, and guidance on complex bioinformatic data analysis.