Projects & Grants

Comparative study of examination using Enhanced Contact Endoscopy and conventional rigid endoscopy in the differential diagnosis of leukoplakia of the oral cavity
Project IdSGS10/LF/2023
Main solverMUDr. Peter Kántor
Period1/2023 - 12/2023
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationLeukoplakia of head and neck mucosa nowadays represents a diagnostic challenge. They are often inconspicuous and their correct diagnosis is difficult. Histologically they can vary from parakeratosis and pre-neoplastic changes to a malignant tumor. Today, methods of biological endoscopy are regularly used in the differential diagnosis of these lesions. Methods of biological endoscopy use morphological or metabolic changes in the observed tissue. Changes can be visualized using various examinations such as IMAGE 1S, Narrow Band Imaging (NBI), or autofluorescence endoscopy. IMAGE 1S and NBI are nowadays considered the standard in the early diagnosis of cancerous lesions of the head and neck mucosa. They work on improving the visibility of mucosal vascularization, which forms a specific pattern on which it is possible to estimate the nature of the lesion with a certain probability. A new method that can be used in the diagnosis of leukoplakia is the Enhanced Contact Endoscopy (ECE). Its role in the differential diagnosis of leukoplakia of the oral cavity has not yet been fully described. The method uses a combination of magnifying optics with image enhancement modes which highlight the mucosal vascularization (IMAGE 1S, NBI). Despite advances in the field of diagnosis of mucosal leukoplakia, the correct interpretation of the results is not easy, and a satisfactory study comparing examination using ECE with conventional rigid endoscopy is not available. A study comparing the quality of examination using ECE with conventional rigid endoscopy also does not exist.