Projects & Grants

Use of digital image analysis of ultrasound images in urinary system diseases
Project IdSGS13/LF/2023
Main solverMgr. Jiří Kozel
Period1/2023 - 12/2023
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationIn the diagnostics of urinary system diseases, ultrasound examination is of irreplaceable importance. When referring to the use of imaging methods, this is in many cases the first-choice method when a pathological process of the urinary system is suspected, especially when examining children, in which case we try to use imaging methods that do not use X-rays. However, some pathological processes cannot be visually assessed well on ultrasound images and further examination is required. Examples include the diagnostics of acute pyelonephritis in children or the detection of scarring after undergoing pyelonephritis, where ultrasound may be used but is not sensitive enough, and therefore nuclear medicine techniques or contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging are recommended. Another use of digital analysis of ultrasound images can be a non-invasive measurement of relative kidney function ? without radiation (left versus right kidney), which is of clinical importance in nephrology and urology. To increase the sensitivity of ultrasound examinations, we recommend the use of a program for digital analysis B-mode assist system, which can detect changes in the echogenicity of individual structures and quantify the results. As part of the project, we want to compare ultrasound images of healthy individuals with images of patients with confirmed pathology using a program for digital image analysis. Depending on the size of the kidneys, both the patients and the healthy control group will be divided into individual age categories, for which the optimal size of the measured ROI (region of interest) field will be created in the digital image analysis program. The use of this program has already proven itself in detecting pathological brain changes in patients with neurodegenerative diseases and it can be expected to bring further knowledge also in detection of changes in patients with urinary system diseases. Data from this project will be used as a basis for follow-up grants.