Projects & Grants

Importance of PCR method for evidence Bartonella henselae in granulomatous inflammation of histologically investigated lymph nodes and other tissues.
Project IdSGS12/LF/2018
Main solverMUDr. Lubomíra Hozáková, Ph.D.
Period1/2018 - 12/2018
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationCat scratch disease is typical of lymph node syndrome at the site of patogen entered. Lymph node syndrome is often very large, therefore node is extirpated because of cancer fear earlier then serology is made. This disease is underdiagnosed because patients have nor fever neither other symptoms, markers of inflammation are negative. Even serology at beginnig of disease has not to be clear, especially if IgM antibodies are negative, which is observed in 50 % patients. Typical microscopic finding of necrotic-granulomatous inflammation with microabscesses is observed only in half nodes of patients with cat scratch disease. Moreover this result is not patognomic for cat scratch disease. Evidence of B. henselae by PCR method could improve diagnostics not only lymph node syndrome of cat scratch disease but also atypical course of CSD with heart, skin, hepatosplenic and bone involvement.