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UO > About > Organizational Structure > Faculties & Institutes > Faculty of Medicine > Departments & Centres > Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine

Marek Smetana

Academic degree, name, surname:
doc. Ing. Marek Smetana, Ph.D.
Room, floor, building:
Research interests and teaching:
integrated emergency response system
Phone number, mobile:

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Year: 2011
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2011
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings
Marek Smetana, D. Kratochvílová
Year: 2007
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2007
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2006
work experience abroad
Year: 2006
work experience abroad
Year: 2006, 112-2/2006, MV-genrální ředitelství HZS ČR, Praha
journal article
Year: 2005
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2005
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2005
abstract in proceedings
Marek Smetana, J. Matuszek
Year: 2005
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2004
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2004
abstract in proceedings
Marek Smetana, M. Štrublík , P. Ivanko
Year: 2004,
specialist book
Year: 2003
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2003
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2003
published expert opinions, reviews
Marek Smetana, P. Ivanko
Year: 2003,
specialist book
Marek Smetana, M. Štrublík
Year: 2002
abstract in proceedings
Marek Smetana, P. Skalík
Year: 2001
abstract in proceedings
Year: ,
specialist book

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Type of thesis
Bartečko Martin
Comparison of volunteer firefighters units status in the Czech Republic and in selected countries of Central Europe.
Bachelor's thesis
Štibrocha Eduard
The risk assessment of Orlova territory, from the perspective of large-scale emergencies.
Bachelor's thesis
Baštinská Táňa
Cooperation railway police units of the integrated rescue system
Bachelor's thesis
Popelka Pavel
The issue of cross-border cooperation of emergency medical services sections in selected regions of the Czech Republic
Bachelor's thesis
Dětský Přemysl
Commuting times for EMS to the point of impact in the Moravian-Silesian Region.
Bachelor's thesis
Vondráček Roman
The issue of informing the public and relatives of victims of emergencies.
Bachelor's thesis
Wiesner Miroslav
Solving the content of Plan for safeguarding public order and safety for chosen event
Bachelor's thesis
Žárski Petr
The use of CCTV monitoring system for municipal police work.
Bachelor's thesis
Chovanec Zdeněk
Procedure of rescue service at solving emergency event
Bachelor's thesis
Horecký Radovan
Cooperation of IZS ( Integrated safety system) activities at accidents connected with modern mountain sports.
Bachelor's thesis
Kmec Lukáš
The Cooperation of Fire Rescue and Medical Emergency Services in the City of Frydek-Mistek.
Bachelor's thesis
Sudolský Radim
Case study: Interaction components of the IRS in carrying out relief work during flash floods on the 24th and 25th June 2009 on Novojicinsko.
Bachelor's thesis
Mintěl Stanislav
Urgent burial services at extraordinary event large range
Bachelor's thesis
Šteňko Pavel
Case study activities, the Czech Police in the implementation of the intervention after the train accident in Studénka.
Bachelor's thesis
Kondziolka Jan
The solution of a hospital evacuation scheme
Bachelor's thesis
Kubíček Pavel
Chances of engaging humanitarian organisations and others units of integrated rescue system into international operations
Bachelor's thesis
Ptáček Michal
Utilization Wrecker Trains For The Integrate Rescue System
Bachelor's thesis
Skřiček Jakub
Setting a minimum number of workers in the intervention group departure medical emergency services - (the team determine the number of workers for different types of interventions)
Bachelor's thesis
Dopitová Simona
Possibilities of a joined intervention of humanitarian organizations and the other part of IRS
Bachelor's thesis
Kynclová Jana
Qualification of Teaching Hospital of Ostrava to accept large number of wounded persons in case of major accident
Bachelor's thesis

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